How to request transport quotes

These pages cover all the information you need to know about requesting a transport quote. They provide a step by step walkthrough of the process and include a number of screenshots for ease of use. If you know how to request a transport quote then you can go directly to how to compare different transport quotes.If you are unsure about your travel plans then you can go back to what you should know before requesting a transport quote.

Create a travel plan using the quote request form

To start requesting quotes click on Get Transport Quote! in the top menu bar.

How to request a transport quote

The get a transport quote button

The quote request form has six different sections. These are detailed with numbers in the menu bar.

The first part of the trip request form requires you to complete your route and travel dates. You must select whether this is a return trip, a one way only trip, or a multi-destination trip. When selecting a multi-destination trip you will be able to create an itinerary that includes all your stops. Your route will automatically be shown on the map below the form.

How to select the trip type

Selecting the trip type

It"s important that all the stops on the trip are communicated with the transport company. This includes things like airport pick ups, tours, and transfers. The Rentautobus system allows you to request a tour or transfer in each of your destinations. Simply click on the “tours / transfers here” button and use the drop down menu to add this to your itinerary.

How to add a tour or transfer to your travel plan

The tours and transfers menu

Some people may already have a document that details all of their travel plans. Rather than add every single stop into the Rentautobus system it"s possible to add your travel plan as an attachment. In most cases this is beneficial as the more details a transport company has, the better placed they are to offer a detailed quote. A detailed itinerary can be attached on step three of the quote request form. If you plan to do this then just enter the start and end points of the trip at this stage.

What you enter into this form is what is seen by the transport company (and what you get back when receiving the quotes). All parts of this form must be completed but can be amended later. Commonly forgotten mistakes on the form are not communicating all the stops, not entering an ending time, or forgetting to add airport pick ups or drop offs. Please note that if the trip details are edited then this might result in an adaptation of the quote by the transport company.

Once you have completed your trip details click on Next Step: Choose Vehicle Type

How to move on to the next stage of requesting a quote

Moving on to choosing the vehicle type

Select vehicle type and facilities

The next stage of requesting a quote is to select a vehicle type. If you are unsure about the differences between different vehicle types you can read more about them here. The transport company will try and offer a vehicle that meets your requirements. However, depending on availability, they may offer a different vehicle. Not every transport company has a full fleet of vehicles to choose from. In many cases they will send a quote with the best suited vehicle that that can offer.

This part of the form details the most commonly requested vehicles on Rentautobus. However, you can easily see an extended list of vehicles by clicking on See More Vehicle Types. This is most commonly used for passengers wanting to request a car with driver.

How to see more vehicle types to choose from

Selecting more vehicle types

Facilities in vehicles vary across different countries. For example, EU law states that all coaches must have seat belts. However, this might be seen as an extra service in India. Services like onboard toilets are rare. Air-conditioning is generally standard across Western Europe but is a luxury in other parts of the world.

You can use the check boxes to tick the facilities that you are looking for on your vehicle. The transport company will do their best to offer a vehicle that has all the facilities you have requested. However, selecting a facility on the quote request form doesn"t always mean this facility will be available. For example not all transport companies have fleets with vehicles that are equipped with WiFi or power sockets for electronic devices. A transport company will offer what they have.

A menu of facilities you can request

The facilities you can request

To move onto the next stage click on the green Contact Details button at the bottom of the form.

Completing your contact details

On this stage of the form you must complete your contact details and information about your group. If you have used Rentautobus before you can log in and the system will automatically bring up your details.

Why do you need my name, email address, and phone number?

Rentautobus asks for your name and email address in order to confirm that you are a real person. You are required to confirm your email address in order to validate your quote request. All the information you provide on Rentautobus is handled in the strictest confidence according to European legislation about privacy and data protection.

A working telephone number is very important when making a transport reservation. Your contact details are only sent to the transport company after you have confirmed a reservation. Make sure you select the country code when entering your phone number. It"s also very important that you leave comments about your group.

What you will see on the contact details page

The contact details page

Why it"s essential to give information about the group

Transport companies have to select the most appropriate vehicle for your group. So it"s essential that you provide as much information as possible about the group that will be traveling. If you were a transport company you would give a different vehicle to a group of teenage school children as to a group of retired people on holiday. The more information you can provide in this box the better a transport company can respond to your needs. Important information includes things like: age of passengers, reason for travel, as well as nationalities and languages spoken by the group.

Attaching an itinerary

If you have a detailed itinerary you can attach it to your quote request. Go to the itinerary upload button and select choose file. Attaching a detailed itinerary is very beneficial for all multi-destination trips. Clear information about the distance and driving time helps transport companies calculate competitive quotes.

How to upload an itinerary to your travel plan

Uploading an itinerary

You must complete all the boxes in the section to move forward. You must accept the terms before clicking on the green “Control the Details” button.

Review your quote request

Rentautobus will now provide you with an overview of your quote request. This will include the travel plan, vehicle type and facilities, and contact details. You should check that all the details are correct before clicking on the green “Validation” button at the bottom of the screen. It"s important to check that your email is correct.

If you have made a mistake it"s easy to edit any of the details. Simply click on the edit button beside the relevant section. If you have a travel itinerary that hasn"t been uploaded click on the edit button beside the contact details to attach it.

How to edit different parts of your quote request

Editing parts of your quote request

Validating your quote request

Before your quote request is sent to local transport companies, Rentautobus needs to confirm that you are a serious customer and not a computer or spammer. To do this you must validate the email address that you have provided.

An email from will have been automatically sent to the email address you provided. You must click on the link to validate your email.

How to validate your quote request

Validating your quote request

If you haven"t received a validation email then please check your spam folder. Add to your address book or safe sender list to ensure you receive emails about your quote request from Rentautobus. If you still don"t see an email then you can click on the button to contact customer service.

Notifications about quotes and reservations will arrive from If necessary, the Rentautobus customer service department may contact you via this email.

This is what the email will look like.

Validation e-mail

Validation e-mail

Sit back and wait for transport quotest

After you validated your email, your quote request will be sent to local transport companies who will provide customised quotes for your trip.

Confirming that your email has been validated

Your email has been validated

Normally it takes around two working days for quote to arrive in your inbox. If it is taking longer then please contact the Rentautobus customer service and we"ll investigate why you are not receiving any quotes. As each quote is personalised to your needs, transport companies can notcannot generate quote in the same way as an airline or hotel. There is no single exact price. Each transport company must review your details and carefully calculate a quote. That"s why it often takes a couple of days.

Ask a question or place a comment

We welcome your questions and comments about these info texts. Please feel invited to ask us any question about your private chauffeured transport search and arrangements in any of our listed countries. We’ll do our best to reply within 1 working day.

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