About the Rentautobus Blog

After starting in 2008 with our online transport quote comparison and booking platform for airport transfers, coach and minibus hires, car with driver and taxi service we discovered that we needed a platform to discuss interesting and sometime important subjects.

Blog about group travel, tours, holiday and chauffeured transportation.

Our 1st need was mainly to exchange information with our associated transport companies in Spain in the Spanish language (Castellano). After that came the desire to discuss interesting subjects related to private and touristic transportation services to a much broader and international audience in the English language. The content might be defined as ‘all that is of interest to the private hire transport sector’.

Our goals with our blog

Simply put: we want to exchange information and learning’s about touristic transport with like minded colleagues in the coach hire and car with driver services. More into detail:

  • a)    To have a discussion and information exchange platform with like minded professionals that have an interest in the minibus and coach hire sector.
  • b)    Learn from the experience of colleagues in the chauffeur driven industry
  • c)    To give fellow transport companies and services a blog were to place guest articles. We are not looking for superficial texts here but only serious content that is bringing something interesting to our transport and tourist related readers.
  • d)    To discuss subjects directly related with the use of our transport directory, platform and our coach hire and transport comparison en booking tool.
  • e)    To have a place to place tutorials and training materials related to the use of our platform.

Blog about touristic transport on our blog!

If you are active in the ‘vehicle with driver sector’ and have an opinion about private transport feel invited to place a comment to an article that has drawn your attention. If you have more to tell then share your thoughts by submitting an original article. We are happy to learn about innovations in transport technology, transport software systems, transport commerce subjects like quoting, pricing, buying, travel and tourism transport, etc…

Read this next page to learn more about our private hire and chauffeur driven transport directory.

List of recent blog posts:

This interview with Else Kloosterman van Rossum (EKR) is taken by Veerle Valentijn (VV) student at the NHTV in Breda. Else works in the sales department at bus and coach hire company HTM Special. This interview was taken at the 23th of May.


This interview with Pawan Bahadoer (PB), employee of bus rental and coach hire company Van Heugten Tours, is taken by NHTV student  Veerle Valentijn  (VV). This interview is taken on 1 June 2016, at the location of Van Heugten Tours BV, Den Haag.


This interview with Michael van den Broek (MB), commercial employee at BBA Tours, is taken by Martijn van Poppel (MP) student at the NHTV in Breda. This interview took place at the 13th of June at their base in Tilburg in The Netherlands.


This interview with Chantal Krol, employee at Krol Reizen is taken by Martijn van Poppel student at the NHTV in Breda. This interview took place at the 8th of June at their establishment in Tiel, The Netherlands.


This interview with Astrid de Jong, owner of Van Mook Touringcars is taken by Martijn van Poppel student at the NHTV in Breda. This interview took place at the 30th of May at their establishment in Oosterhout (near Breda) in the Netherlands.


Incoming links from travel directories still contribute to your search engine rankings. By themselves they might not get you in a top 3 position, but they can certainly make a serious contribution. For those of you who, in spite of recent updates search engines’ algorithms, still believe in the important contribution that links can make, we have created this list of travel directories.

Co-founder Marketing Travel
Dijous, gener 22, 2015

RentAutobus.com offers private chauffeured transport solutions comparable to the accommodation services provided by platforms such as Booking.com and Airbnb. Based on the current technology, we have created a platform to ensure efficiency and reliability as you plan your itinerary. Our global platform enables our clients to conveniently arrange for private transportation and book for road trips. At the moment, the rentals of minibus, motorcoach, car with driver and transfers to and from the airport are taking place in a highly fragmented market which in Europe alone represents a market of € 12 billion. We are greatly concerned about customer’s needs and thus we provide clear, accurate, timely and comprehensive information on matters relating to routes, trips, companies and the services offered. It’s our ambition to play a dominant role in the market.

Our mission is to connect all transfer and transport companies around the world on one platform to conveniently work with both travel agents and consumers.


Transport companies often have questions about how Rentautobus works and how our site can provide new business. You might be reading this thinking “Rentautowhat? How does this help my business? And what do I have to do?” Rentautobus provides a free service and it's easy to get started. Rentautobus can't provide a frothy cappuccino that provides a caffeine compliment to your browsing, so instead, we're going to be really succinct in explaining how our transport portal and directory works for you. 


Our coach and bus hire service desk gets this question very often, almost on a daily basis: what is the reason for these huge price differences? ‘We requested a quote for a coach hire to operate a simple transfer between Barcelona and Rimini and we get quotes with up to € 900,- difference! How can this be? Do these transport companies know what they are doing? Are they serious?


Register your transport service to our directory for free and add your company information by adding your details. No costs at all for listing your company. Submit your transport hire company for free to our Directory!


Attention travel and  private transport  companies!  ‘Achtung’ travel agents, minibus rental companies, coach hire operators, airport transfer service organizations and taxicab companies. !Have a good look at the list of quality travel, tourism and transport directories here below. Our SEO staff has been busy to generate a  complete list with the best 2014 travel directories to promote your travel company’s website.


This is the second and final part of the interview with Mr Anthony Marett the founder of DTE. If you haven’t read it yet you can read the 1st part by starting here.


In Spain there is no official nomenclature for all the different types of buses, and in many cases, without realizing it, you can get confused about what type of vehicle you need for your group transport. In other cases you may come to the moment of departure only to face the unpleasant surprise of finding an automobile that has nothing to do with what you were originally looking for.


A part from the economical situation in Spain bus rental companies in cities like Barcelona and Madrid are facing a gradually down turn in the transport of workers and school children. A steady flow of tourist arrivals is only compensating partly as for most operators it can fill gaps but is not feeding the company on a daily basis. Touristic bus transport is also  facing competition of high speed trains, low cost airlines and over the last years increasing car ownership.


In the travel industry everybody’s talking about the Dutch airline KLM. In 2012 they plan to launch a tool called Social Seating. It is about a help to get the perfect neighbor sitting next to you using social media as a tool.


As part of our strategic plan to expand our Rentautobus coach hire comparison platform to the United Kingdom, we're building a network of like-minded individuals and bus operators located on the other side of the North Sea. About a week ago I had a long phone conversation with Mr Anthony Marett, a remarkable entrepreneur with a love for bus rentals, nature, and child education.


Coach hire companies in Spanish cities like Barcelona are often considered very conservative in their adaptation towards innovations. Financial incentives for innovations were difficult to concretize until not long ago. Now for those Iberian entrepreneurs in the bus rental market that complain about increasing fuel prices (who isn’t?) there is finally a light at the end of the tunnel!


What criteria should be applied for the Best Driver Award?

When it comes to driving hired buses or minibuses in tourist areas of Spain like Madrid, Seville, or Malaga, you need much more than a chauffeur who just takes groups from one place to another. The chauffeur is the only person who sees the customers face-to-face, and thus he has the greatest influence on the experience that he and his group has with the transportation company.


Quite often we have groups asking for a coach hire quote in Seville including a tour guide. Our associated bus companies normally don’t provide tour guides so we often help our clients finding one. This made me think about a maybe not so popular thought among tour guides.


While preparing the expansion for our coach hire comparison platform RentAutobus from Spain to the Netherlands, I conducted a series of interviews with informal leaders in the bus rental sector in Amsterdam and other places in Holland, too.


In some ways the world is getting smaller as globalization increases contact between different cultures around the world. Cross-cultural travel, such as a bus full of American tourists taking a holiday trip provided by a bus rental in Madrid, is just one of many forms of modern cultural exchange. However, this is not to say that human culture is anywhere near homogeneity. The differences between disparate cultures are still very significant. In many cases, these differences produce a beautiful diversity of food, clothing, art, and philosophy. But sometimes cultural differences can lead to misunderstandings and social friction.


My friend Rolf lives in the very center of the touristic cheese traders city of Volendam and he works in Amsterdam.  Bus loads full of Spanish, Japanese and Chinese tourists arrive from Amsterdam in a hired coach to visit the old center on cheese trading days.  Rolf commutes on a daily basis between those places by bus. He enjoys a very fast coach-bus service that is passing all the traffic because of the special bus road where no private cars are allowed. When he arrives in Amsterdam Central station he continues his trip by using his extra bicycle which he bought for this purpose for the last part of the trip.

The Swimming Dutchman
Dimecres, gener 01, 2014

A few days ago we wrote about flying cars. Today we’ve got a bus that swims.

By highway or skyway?
Dimarts, desembre 31, 2013

Tour coaches, taxis, and planes are currently very distinct forms of transportation. Sometimes there are situations in which we aren’t sure which type of transportation to choose; each one has its advantages and disadvantages. In the perhaps not-too-distant future, we’ll be able to use just one form of transportation.


About 3 weeks ago we have written about the Don't Travel Empty  (DTE) coach hire and bus operators collaboration platform and it’s ambition to expand globally. We ended up with more questions than answers so today we are publishing an interview with the founder of DTE.


Why not create a network of tour buses that unites the principal cities and tourist sites?

The world of bus and coach rental that serves the tourist sector in Barcelona, and  other destinations is feeling the crunch of the world- wide economic crisis.  Because of this, innovation that is geared towards increasing sales and lowering costs is more important than ever. Like usual we are not lacking ideas.  We like to share ours with the hope that perhaps they would help someone who has a coach hire or tour transportation company.


What if together we could create a platform on which coach and minibus rental companies could collaborate  all across Europe. 


At Rentautobus not only do we want to find ways to improve the experience of tour operators who want rent a bus for their groups, but we also try to show the face of the future and mass transit trends in order to keep the associates who participate in our website, such as companies that rent cars, minivans, etc., informed.


In previous blogs we’ve talked about creating a national network of rental buses in Spain on tour routes. Today we’ll be talking about a similar idea for workers.

Coach hire and with free on board WiFi
Dissabte, desembre 28, 2013

Why not offer all tourists the opportunity to enjoy their coach trip with free WiFi connection during their bus travels in Spain and provide a better travel experience?


A major revolution in passenger and tourist transportation is getting closer and closer to becoming a reality. In the very near future you can expect to see autonomous, self-driving cars and minibuses transporting tourists to interesting sites and attractions.


A Coach Hire compare and booking tool: why we started with it?


As a tourism portal in the coach hire industry in Spain we bring together those in search for over the road passenger transport with those who offer transport. We help bus companies to get new clients and help clients to compare offers and to book a bus transfer or a complete tour. That is what we do.


What can we do so that bus rental business owners compete less on price and more on the quality of coaches for hire?


Many of the people who visit our site have never booked a coach or bus with a driver in Spain before. To make the hire process more transparent, RentAutobus have created this page to explain how Spanish coach and mini bus rental companies calculate their bids and what you may see in their online offers. We hope that this short guide will help you plan and negotiate a coach hire in Spain that meets your travel needs and fits within your budget.