Bus hire companies directory of UK

Browse our directory of minibus and motor coach rental companies in the United Kingdom. Explore detailed profiles of individual bus operators, complete with fleet descriptions, client ratings, and reviews. Find private bus hire services in cities such as London, Glasgow, Manchester, Sheffield, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Leicester, Liverpool, Leeds, Birmingham, and many more. Plan your transfers or day trips, request quotes for minibus and motor coach rentals, and easily compare offers from UK group transport providers. Connect directly with the owners of bus rental, transfer, and tour companies. Chat, ask questions, negotiate rental rates, and book your bus effortlessly.

CompanyVehiclesClient rating
Maretts Chariots 6
4.7/5 based on 1 reviews
P & R Travel 3
4.6/5 based on 4 reviews
Rambler Coaches 3
5.0/5 based on 2 reviews
Summit Minibuses & Coaches LTD 2
5.0/5 based on 4 reviews
Transmillennium 3
5.0/5 based on 1 reviews
Travelstargatwick ltd 5
5.0/5 based on 2 reviews
Triangle Coaches 1
5.0/5 based on 1 reviews
5.0/5 based on 1 reviews

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