The 2015 list of travel directories for minibus, coach hire, and car with driver services

Mercoledì, Febbraio 25, 2015

Incoming links from travel directories still contribute to your search engine rankings. By themselves they might not get you in a top 3 position, but they can certainly make a serious contribution. For those of you who, in spite of recent updates search engines’ algorithms, still believe in the important contribution that links can make, we have created this list of travel directories.

The importance of local and worldwide travel directories for chauffeured services

The sector for minibus rentals, coach hires and car with driver related services is a highly competitive one, and searches are mostly local and combine the transport or private hire service with the name of the place of departure. Links in general, and especially those from high PR sites still, nonetheless, add value to your search result rankings. Last year we published a blog providing a list of the best travel and transport private-hire directories, and it was very well received. Although opinions differ as to whether one should still invest in getting links or linking to travel or car hire directories, or if we should concentrate on getting more links from relevant pages, we are of the opinion that travel directories are still an important aid to your overall search engine ranking.

The importance of selecting relevant travel directories

Incoming links must come from relevant sources. If you are in the chauffeured services business and cater for groups or individuals who are in search of transport or related travel products, your incoming links should come from travel or transport-related directories or websites. For local searches ‘relevant’ pertains to both the relevant type of transport service as well as to the relevant place name.

Worldwide travel directories versus local directories 

Why you should list your ‘vehicle with driver’ services on both global travel sites and local directories.

Global travel directories

In this article we mostly cover worldwide travel directories who have subpages based on continent and country. The good things about these directories are that they incorporate almost all niches in their extended set of subpages. Normally it’s easy to find your specific travel or transport niche page on them. Therefore, these pages give you links that are ‘relevan related to the specific type of service you provide. They might or might not have a subpage for your specific city and, because of this, their local relevance is limited.

Local directories

To garner visibility on key words related to your specific city or place you need to enlist local directories. These tend to be either structured regarding one place/city only, or, if not, are created by covering every place in a specific country. Getting a link from a specific page covering your city gives you what is referred to as ‘relevancy’ for that city. We’ll cover these ‘local directories’ in our next blog post.

Your list of travel and ‘vehicle hire’ directories for 2015

For those of you who are interested in investing time in creating relevant incoming links for their travel or transport companies website we have reviewed a new list of travel directories .These are all directories with a good to high Page Rank and most of them require a reciprocal link from your site to theirs. An easy way to comply with this is to add a ‘resources’ or ‘partners’ page to your site from which you link to them


Although the pictures could use an update, we like this travel directory for its images of happy people back-packing and travelling. It’s a good source for travel information from a range of different standpoints. If you’re an adventure traveler, you’ll be able to find tons of useful and to-the-point info in the user-friendly interface. In case you need a travel guide, they’ve got you covered as well. You may also want to visit the Specialty Travel section of the site, where you’ll be able to see all the categories the site has to offer. This portal and travel directory has a transport section, and even a taxi and minibus rental sub category.

Printscreen of the homepage of

Printscreen of the homepage of with a part missing in the top header image.

Page Rank: 4

Domain Authority: 45

MozRank: 5.91

Submissions: reciprocal only

Transportation category: Yes

Car rental category: No


The transportation section of this travel directory has subpages for products including ‘car rentals’ and ‘shuttles & limousines’ which gives you a perfect opportunity to submit your service in the relevant category. The page rank of “0’ will add diversity to your link profile. This directory is a one-stop site for all travelers’ needs. The site itself is a very inclusive resource with a pretty fresh (By the standards of the list) design. Tourists will find the info they need and the ease-of-use makes the site a fantastic resource for travel searches. Visitors can discover top travel websites covering the gamut of travel and tourism, including destination guides, travel blogs, travel agencies, tour operators, reference, tourism news, as well as chats and message boards.

 Homepage of

Homepage of

Page Rank: 0

Domain Authority: 38

MozRank: n/a

Submissions: reciprocal only

Transportation category: Yes

Car rental category: No


The Travel Notes Online Guide to Travel provides country/state travel and tourist information, reviewed web sites, regular travel articles, and online ticketing for car hire, hotel reservations and discounted flights. The site has a simple, slightly antiquated design but the amount of knowledge available makes it worth it.

This only for travel directory was started by travel journalist and photographer Michel Guntern in 1997, with the aim of creating a truly international travel directory. Encouraged by its success, Michel also started the travel site, which as its name states, focusses more on travel articles and travel writers. His latest project is a video travel directory called ‘Videos at Travel Notes which as you may guess, offers a range of travel-related videos. 

 Screenshot of the homepage of Travelnotes directory

Screenshot of the homepage of Travelnotes directory. The TravelWrite and travel video directory look similar

Page Rank: 5

Domain Authority: 62

MozRank 5.51

Submissions: paid or reciprocal

Transportation category: No

Car rental category: No


This travel directory and guide is available in a host of languages, including English, French, German and Dutch. The homepage categories are broken down into columns based on continents - which makes your search relatively simple. The design, as with most high page rank travel directories we discuss in this blog, may be somewhat simplistic, but it’s actually perfectly designed if you just want to find something. Moreover, thumbs up for the multi-language functionality which we highly appreciate.

 Image of the simple yet effective homepage of in blue and white

Image of the simple yet effective homepage of in blue and white

Page Rank: 5

Domain Authority: 66

MozRank 6.73

Submissions: reciprocal only

Transportation category: No

Car rental category: No


A travel directory in a friendly, slightly garish combination of blue, orange and green. Although the listings tend to originate mostly from New Zealand and Australia, this directory offers an extensive collection of worldwide travel and tourism websites. Functionalities include the ‘search and find’ option for international accommodation, transport, tours and activities. This travel directory however seems a bit simplistic and old-fashioned when it comes to its design, but looks aren’t everything! You can use the site to book tickets, find transportation options, select from tons of activities, just to name a few of the choices it offers. For those transport and private hire companies wishing to get listed on the transport section of this directory there might be a real opportunity; it only has one listing.

 Homepage of

Homepage of

Page Rank: 3

Domain Authority: 29

MozRank: 5.01

Submissions: reciprocal only

Transportation category: Yes

Car rental category: No


Here we have a travel website with a very pleasant look and feel that entices you into spending more time browsing it. It’s a WordPress-based site that offers you all sorts of info regarding the best travel websites on the web. Though the logo of the site is a bit ‘1980’s’ it still conveys the site’s main idea, which is to facilitate you in choosing the best travel website for your needs. The site has categories including adventure travel, backpacking, business travel, disabled travel and even a category for travel directories. Though we do wonder why this directory has an accommodation category but not a car rental and transport one.

 View of the WordPress themed homepage of

View of the WordPress themed homepage of

Page Rank: 4

Domain Authority: 44

MozRank: 4.02

Submissions: reciprocal only

Transportation category: No

Car rental category: No


For those interested in submitting a link to this travel directory, you can request it to be placed there if your site is travel or language related. Consequently, it makes perfect sense that the site has both a language and a travel directory. Once you’re in the Languages page, you can click on the language you require and select from the subcategories offered. If you want to select your continent of destination first, you can do it on the Travel Directory page.

  View of the Eiffel tower in Paris next to the Machu-Pichu in Peru on the site of

In the image above View of the Eiffel tower in Paris next to the Machu-Pichu in Peru on the site of

Page Rank: 4

Domain Authority: 50

MozRank: 4.88

Submissions: reciprocal only

Transportation category: No

Car rental category: No


The name of this site is TravelLinksDirectory and they not have chosen a better one. The homepage consists of a long, long list of links to the most important tourist capitals our continents offer. An easy source for those who are searching for travel deals, such as for rooms and the wealth of destinations out there. The design is kind of basic, but it’s good enough as long as the directory has useful content, which it does. The site also offers travel tips and tools. As with most travel directories here we, nonetheless, think it’s time to change the design to something more suited to the year 2015. Private hire companies such as minibus with driver rentals should look to their local page and list their company between the other tourism options such as hotels, apartments and tour activities.

 Homepage of

Homepage of

Page Rank: 4

Domain Authority: 51

MozRank: 6.01

Submissions: reciprocal only

Transportation category: No

Car rental category: No


This directory is for those of you who would like travelling across Asia. You can find travel info on countries like Afghanistan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bhutan Brunei, Cambodia and so on. Other than that, the directory has a list of options broken down by category. The design is again rather unsophisticated and is dominated by a list of blue links on a white background; though that’s of minor concern if you just need to find the info you need. It does the business and that’s the only thing that ultimately matters.

 Homepage of

Homepage of

Page Rank: 4

Domain Authority: 39

MozRank: n/a

Submissions: reciprocal only

Transportation category: Yes

Car rental category: No


Looks very much like its comrade above. What we like about this travel directory is the fact that the animals incorporated in the top header image are evocative of Africa. This directory is not only about this continent though, it also has sections on the other continents. If you do want to visit the continent of Africa though, and need info on flights, hotels, vacation packages and stuff like that, you definitely need to check this out

The site has a list of categories on the left. You can use it to make a choice based on your interests. The site also has a Popular Place section in the left-hand sidebar so that you can decide based on what other visitors of this directory like.

 Homepage of

Homepage of

Page Rank: 4

Domain Authority: 33

MozRank: n/a

Submissions: reciprocal only

Transportation category: Yes

Car rental category: No


If you’ve been following this list from the start, you can probably guess that this directory must be related to the previous two. And yes, indeed it is, although we can’t find who owns these directories, it’s clear from the setup and the design that they are run by the same person/company. If you like the architecture of European cities and are dying to visit somewhere there, you can rest assured that this travel directory will serve you well. You can use the directory to get to know something about the places to visit. In addition to this, you’ll find useful info on booking your tickets for a train, bus or even an airplane. The site also offers you a range of options to help find a desirable restaurant. Europe is waiting for you, and this directory portal pretty good gateway to it. For those readers who are looking to list their transport or private hire chauffeured services, we can confirm that it has a relevant category.

 Homepage of

Homepage of

Page Rank: 4

Domain Authority: 38

MozRank: n/a

Submissions: reciprocal only

Transportation category: Yes

Car rental category: No


A travel resources website and directory that focusses entirely on transport. It gives a list of every kind of public and private transport service.

You can use this portal and travel directory in order to book many different travel-related services. You can use the form in the left-hand sidebar to book your hotel, rent a car, or even a flight. The site has lots of info on planes, railways, public transport, museums, ferries, you name it, and it will be there. What’s really great and also extremely useful is that you can also find travel information for the disabled- a definite bonus.

 Homepage of

Homepage of

Page Rank: 5

Domain Authority: 52

MozRank: n/a

Submissions: reciprocal only

Transportation category: Yes

Car rental category: No


This bus and transport related directory incorporates, to say the least, a pretty minimalistic design. In the logo of this directory it states that it’s a ‘web-link’ service for coach, bus, transit and tram services throughout the world. Don’t bother to visit this site on a tablet or mobile device because the Google AdSense section will overlap the left-side content of the site. This is extremely frustrating because, in this day and age, many visitors would be using these devices to access the site. That said, you can still find some useful information, and another good thing is that is has a clear focus on passenger ground transportation and buses.

 Homepage of

Homepage of

Page Rank: 4

Domain Authority: 49

MozRank: n/a

Submissions: reciprocal only

Transportation category: No, but yes it’s all about transport

Car rental category: No


A comprehensive Travel Directory providing quality travel site-listing. Free submission to a worldwide travel business directory. Human edited reviews and definitely search engine friendly. You’ll be able to find some really useful info on accommodation, adventure travel, air travel, backpacking and transportation. The site is not optimized for mobile use, but it’s still pretty good, as long as you’re using a computer. It has a car rental category, which has some content and also a Taxi and Minibus subpage which has none as yet.

 Homepage of

Homepage of

Page Rank: 3

Domain Authority: 38

MozRank: n/a

Submissions: reciprocal only

Transportation category: Yes

Car rental category: Yes


This directory advertises on its homepage with “SEO benefits’ and ‘Free listings’ making this the ideal place to be for link builders wishing to generate new links for their sites.

For consumers this is the site if you want to something that is covered by the words ‘Find hot deals for your last minute holidays and get the best value for your money on your next trip!’ It’s a pretty advanced directory in comparison to other sites on this list - and from a web development standpoint because you can use the features at the top to change font size and width. Other than that, the logo looks pretty decent as well. Plus you can scroll down and see all the directories structured in a pretty user-friendly way.

 Join Rio advertisement on the Homepage of

Join Rio advertisement on the Homepage of

Page Rank: 3

Domain Authority: 30

MozRank: n/a

Submissions: reciprocal only

Transportation category: Yes

Car rental category: Yes


This travel directory declares itself to be a ‘human edited and premium directory’ and contains the text ‘Get Listed Now’. So, what are you waiting for? The site is a friendly-looking one with a really nice green header at the top. You can use it for a diverse range of activities, including, finding agents, airlines, book services, and plan cruises, hotels and so on. If you need information regarding a specific continent, you can search that way as well.

 Homepage of

Homepage of

Page Rank: 3

Domain Authority: 39

MozRank: n/a

Submissions: reciprocal and paid

Transportation category: No

Car rental category: Yes


This site advertises itself as ‘Travel guide & directory’ and is divided into 3 main sections: hotels, destinations and tools.

The site looks a little basic, but it has a host of useful sections to use for finding useful information on hotels, popular destinations, lodging, transportation, and the other things that you may need while traveling. A definite downside though is the fact that it’s not really mobile-optimized. Although this isn’t a deal-breaker, you don’t want to make a bad impression at first sight because,at the end of the day, it can be the last one. It also has both a car rental and a transportation section.

 Homepage of

Homepage of

Page Rank: 3

Domain Authority: 45

MozRank: n/a

Submissions: reciprocal and paid

Transportation category: Yes

Car rental category: Yes


Another WordPress-based travel web directory that you can use to find information on travel companies, including insurance and tour ones. Since it’s a blog, you need to click the topic you’re interested in. Other than that, the right-hand sidebar has a section called Popular Listings.

 Homepage of

Homepage of

Page Rank: 3

Domain Authority: 16

MozRank: n/a

Submissions: reciprocal and paid

Transportation category: No

Car rental category: No


A pretty small and simple travel directory, but you will still definitely find what you’re looking for if you need some information about air travel, hotels and the like. What’s more, you can also click the View travel listings on the map link and see the travel listings on the world map. That’s actually really helpful because visuals often work better for most people. Car rentals or transport providers should register in the ‘travel’ section.

 Homepage of

Homepage of

Page Rank: 3

Domain Authority: 33

MozRank: n/a

Submissions: reciprocal and paid

Transportation category: No

Car rental category: No


Link builders working for transport or private hire companies can find an opportunity here because the ‘transport’ pages of this directory have no content as yet. users who stumble upon this directory can read travel-related articles on various topics. This portal claims to bring together the best travel sites from around the world, forming a comprehensive, user-friendly information resource for all travelers. You can find plenty of travel-related information here, whether it be adventure travel, insurance services, photography or sport.

 Homepage of

Homepage of

Page Rank: 3

Domain Authority: 30

MozRank: n/a

Submissions: reciprocal only

Transportation category: Yes and still empty

Car rental category: No


WideOn is the unusual name of this travel directory. We think of it as a good source for quality information. The internet is a great tool for researching your next great travel adventure, and it"s nice that there are directories where all the websites themselves are checked for their quality and relevance to the travel sector. The boxy design of the site adds to the overall usability of the directory as well.

 Homepage of

Homepage of

Page Rank: 3

Domain Authority: 38

MozRank: n/a

Submissions: reciprocal and paid

Transportation category: Yes

Car rental category: Yes


This site provides commerce and marketing apps but you can also use it as a travel directory to find out useful information about interesting websites out there, including travel ones. The directory is also WordPress-based and, unlike most of other sites in the niche, uses a distinctly up-to-date design. That said, the site is not optimized for mobile use. In order to add your link, you need to find a relevant directory section and click the button entitled ‘Add Your Site’. For those reading this blog post the most probable method of arriving in the correct category in this directory is to select ‘Recreational’ first and then ‘Travel’.

 Homepage of

Homepage of

Page Rank: 4

Domain Authority: 47

MozRank: n/a

Submissions: reciprocal and paid

Transportation category: No

Car rental category: No


A Dutch-language all-around directory has a travel section called ‘Vakantie en Reizen’ which, translated, means ‘Holidays and Travel’. It’s a resource concerning useful sites around the web, ranging from hotels, holiday houses, car rentals, and so on.

 Homepage of

Homepage of

Page Rank: 3

Domain Authority: 49

MozRank: n/a

Submissions: reciprocal only

Transportation category: No

Car rental category: No


The last one may well be the best travel directory and link opportunity for both private and chauffeured transport related companies. This is a multi-language directory, portal and comparison and booking tool for minibus with driver rentals, motor coach hire, car with driver services and other chauffeured services. We already covered this travel directory in our 2014 list, but noticed that some of you haven’t registered yet! This surprised us because this is one of the few directories that doesn’t require a reciprocal link to create a profile. A good thing about this directory is also that you can create multi language profile pages and, for each language page, there is a link back to your company’s website. So, if you make the effort to create your transport profile in all 5 languages you’ll have 5 backlinks at once from a highly-relevant travel and transport directory The advantages don’t stop there, because this portal also sends you client requests for transport and private-hire services for your specific working area.

 View of the hompage of

View of the hompage of

Page Rank: 4

Domain Authority: n/a

MozRank: n/a

Submissions: 100% free and reviewed manually

Transportation category: yes multiple transport categories

a)  Directory for coach and minibus hire companies

b)  Directory for airport transfer companies

c)   Directory for car with driver companies

d)  Directory for taxi-cab companies

Car rental category: yes but listing only ‘vehicle with driver services