Bus with driver rentals in Val d'Aosta Region, Italy

Plan to hire a chauffeured coach, bus or minibus with driver or do you need to plan airport transfers for a group in the region of Val d'Aosta Region? Looking for chauffeured transportation groups in the surroundings of Val d'Aosta Region? No costs to compare offers from bus and motor coach companies and travel agents that rent and organize buses with a chauffeur in the Val d'Aosta Region area in Italy. No more calls!

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About private coach and bus hires with chauffeur in Val d"Aosta region

The usual way to get to this region by air is, in fact, the only one, since Val d"Aosta has a only one airport: the Corrado Gex Airport (AOT), in the municipality of Saint-Christophe, about 2 kilometres from the capital of the region, Aosta. However, it is an airport that is only used for private flights. Therefore, you should look for an alternative route arriving at one of the airports in neighbouring regions such as the one in Geneva (GVA) in Switzerland, or those of Turin (TRN) or Milan (MXP), who all have large amounts of passenger traffic. From there you can travel by a chauffeured rental bus or minibus with driver to Aosta. In fact, you have multiple options to choose to go from these airports to the Val d"Aosta region.

Remember that although it is an autonomous region, it continues to be the North of Italy, and therefore, it is likely the drivers that you find can talk Spanish and some other language of the neighbouring countries. Start organizing your bus trip and get quotes for bus with driver rentals in Val d"Aosta region via our form.

VITA Group 54           

"Vita Group" with the Mercedes Tourismo bus with 54 seats in Arnad, the Val d"Aosta gate
Photo credit: Vita Group


30-seater Fiat 315 silver color tourist bus from the bus with chauffeur hire company Autonoleggi VDA
Photo credit: Autonoleggi VDA

Arriva 55

Driven by ‘Arriva Savda’ on the road, the Iveco Irisbus Magelys Pro 55-seater coach
Photo credit: Arriva Savda

Autonoleggi G. Benvenuto 63

Waiting for the passengers Scania Irizar Century Bus 63 seats owned by Autonoleggi G. Benvenuto
Photo credit: Autonoleggi G. Benvenuto


Minibus and bus coach hire with driver services in Val d'Aosta Region

It’s easy to plan group travel in a minibus with driver or full size motor coach in Val d'Aosta Region. Use our bus rental ‘get quotes and compare’ tool and organize your trip or tour. For example, you can plot the entire route of the tour we describe above. Bus and coach rentals in Val d'Aosta Region region has never been easier: start today!

Cities in Val d'Aosta Region with bus and coach rental services


Minibus and bus coach hire with driver services in Val d'Aosta Region

It’s easy to plan group travel in a minibus with driver or full size motor coach in Val d'Aosta Region. Use our bus rental ‘get quotes and compare’ tool and organize your trip or tour. For example, you can plot the entire route of the tour we describe above. Bus and coach rentals in Val d'Aosta Region region has never been easier: start today!

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