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Preguntes i respostes
Valoracions i comentaris de lloguer de minibús i autocarOfertes enviats: 2180Membre des de: 15-04-2016
4,956 ressenyes
"I wanted to express my gratitude for the excellent service we received from the company. Reservation process was smooth and efficient. The driver arrived early and the ride was comfortable. The driver was also very professional and courteous making us feel safe and at ease throughout the journey. The car itself was clean and comfortable, and we appreciated the convenience of not having to worry about navigating or finding parking. Overall, we had a fantastic experience and would definitely use this service again in the future."
Conductor d'autobús (4,9/5)
Empresa (4,9/5)
Vehicle assignat
Conductor assignat

Rep ofertes competitives de companyies d'autobusos de confiança a {city}. Compareu els costos, la capacitat de seients i les comoditats per reservar la millor opció per al vostre viatge.

Sobre empresa d’autobusos Direct Vip Service

Empresa De Lloguer D'Autocars I Autobusos, empresa de lloguer de cotxes amb conductor des de Netherlands
Raasdorperweg 193 CLijndenTelèfon: +31207542562
Visiti'ns el dia
Servicios de chófer de lujo ubicados en Amsterdam. Nuestra empresa se especializa en brindar experiencias de transporte premium a quienes buscan lo mejor en comodidad y estilo. Con una amplia flota de vehículos de lujo y un equipo de conductores profesionales. El servicio VIP directo lo llevará con estilo a cualquier destino que elija. Ya sea que viaje solo o con un grupo, tenemos el automóvil/minivan/minibús o autocar de lujo perfecto para usted o el grupo. Ya sea un Mercedes Clase S para tres pasajeros o un Mercedes Clase V para siete pasajeros, un Minibús Mercedes Sprinter VIP con capacidad para 16 a 23 pasajeros o un Autocar MAN VIP con capacidad para 53 pasajeros. ¡Lo tenemos! O facto de estarmos situados em Amesterdão permite‑nos, enquanto empresa, oferecer diferentes serviços de motorista, com motoristas que falam na sua própria língua, de qualquer país da Europa. Para além do referido serviço único de motorista, que poderá ser integrado com intérprete, também podemos tornar mais fácil e mais agradável a estadia do seu cliente nos Países Baixos. O motorista por si contratado poderá constituir um elo de ligação fácil entre si e o seu cliente. Para além disso, este motorista conhece os locais de interesse e as principais atracções turísticas na zona onde o seu cliente ficar alojado. Se o cliente indicar as suas preferências, poderemos encontrar os melhores locais: • Restaurantes • Hotéis • Discotecas & Pubs • Lounge & Relaxing • Circuitos urbanos • E muito mais Como vê, a partir do momento em que o cliente chega a Schiphol, nós podemos ser um intermediário importante.

Rep ofertes competitives de companyies d'autobusos de confiança a {city}. Compareu els costos, la capacitat de seients i les comoditats per reservar la millor opció per al vostre viatge.

Obteniu pressupostos GRATIS per llogar autocars

Direct Vip Service Imatges viatges i lloguer d'autobús

Direct Vip Service flota d'autobusos i cotxes

La nostra flota està formada per 13 vehicles

Minivan Mercedes Benz V Klasse (2017)
Autobusos a la flotax7
Euro 6
Lloga un 7 seients Monovolum (Mercedes Benz V Klasse 2017) a Direct Vip Service a Amsterdam Llogueu un 7 places Monovolum (Mercedes Benz V Klasse 2017) de Direct Vip Service de Amsterdam


Aire condicionat


Finestres de doble vidre

Seients reclinables

Ports de càrrega USB per a seients

Hospitalitat a petició

Cafè i begudes calentes

Begudes fredes

Hostessa/Guia Turística

Restaurants i hotels



Sistema de so i micròfon

WIFI gratuït

Opció WIFI/Gastos extres




Cinturons de dos punts

Cinturons de tres punts

DEA - Desfibril·lador extern automàtic

Arcs de seguretat

Minibus Mercedes Sprinter (2018)
Autobusos a la flotax1
Euro 6
Lloga un 16 seients Minibús (Mercedes  Sprinter 2018) a Direct Vip Service a Amsterdam Llogueu un 16 places Minibús (Mercedes  Sprinter 2018) de Direct Vip Service de Amsterdam


Aire condicionat


Finestres de doble vidre

Seients reclinables

Ports de càrrega USB per a seients

Hospitalitat a petició

Cafè i begudes calentes

Begudes fredes

Hostessa/Guia Turística

Restaurants i hotels



Sistema de so i micròfon

WIFI gratuït

Opció WIFI/Gastos extres




Cinturons de dos punts

Cinturons de tres punts

DEA - Desfibril·lador extern automàtic

Arcs de seguretat

Minibus Mercedes Sprinter (2020)
Autobusos a la flotax1
Euro 6
Lloga un 17 seients Minibús (Mercedes  Sprinter 2020) a Direct Vip Service a Amsterdam Llogueu un 17 places Minibús (Mercedes  Sprinter 2020) de Direct Vip Service de Amsterdam


Aire condicionat


Finestres de doble vidre

Seients reclinables

Ports de càrrega USB per a seients

Hospitalitat a petició

Cafè i begudes calentes

Begudes fredes

Hostessa/Guia Turística

Restaurants i hotels



Sistema de so i micròfon

WIFI gratuït

Opció WIFI/Gastos extres




Cinturons de dos punts

Cinturons de tres punts

DEA - Desfibril·lador extern automàtic

Arcs de seguretat

Midibus Mercedes VIP Sprinter (2021)
Autobusos a la flotax1
Euro 6
Lloga un 20 seients Midibus (Mercedes VIP Sprinter 2021) a Direct Vip Service a Amsterdam Llogueu un 20 places Midibus (Mercedes VIP Sprinter 2021) de Direct Vip Service de Amsterdam


Aire condicionat


Finestres de doble vidre

Seients reclinables

Ports de càrrega USB per a seients

Hospitalitat a petició

Cafè i begudes calentes

Begudes fredes

Hostessa/Guia Turística

Restaurants i hotels



Sistema de so i micròfon

WIFI gratuït

Opció WIFI/Gastos extres




Cinturons de dos punts

Cinturons de tres punts

DEA - Desfibril·lador extern automàtic

Arcs de seguretat

Midibus Mercedes Sprinter (2019)
Autobusos a la flotax1
Euro 6
Lloga un 23 seients Midibus (Mercedes Sprinter 2019) a Direct Vip Service a Amsterdam Llogueu un 23 places Midibus (Mercedes Sprinter 2019) de Direct Vip Service de Amsterdam


Aire condicionat


Finestres de doble vidre

Seients reclinables

Ports de càrrega USB per a seients

Hospitalitat a petició

Cafè i begudes calentes

Begudes fredes

Hostessa/Guia Turística

Restaurants i hotels



Sistema de so i micròfon

WIFI gratuït

Opció WIFI/Gastos extres




Cinturons de dos punts

Cinturons de tres punts

DEA - Desfibril·lador extern automàtic

Arcs de seguretat

Minibus Mercedes Sprinter (2017)
Autobusos a la flotax1
Euro 6
Lloga un 16 seients Minibús (Mercedes  Sprinter 2017) a Direct Vip Service a Amsterdam Llogueu un 16 places Minibús (Mercedes  Sprinter 2017) de Direct Vip Service de Amsterdam


Aire condicionat


Finestres de doble vidre

Seients reclinables

Ports de càrrega USB per a seients

Hospitalitat a petició

Cafè i begudes calentes

Begudes fredes

Hostessa/Guia Turística

Restaurants i hotels



Sistema de so i micròfon

WIFI gratuït

Opció WIFI/Gastos extres




Cinturons de dos punts

Cinturons de tres punts

DEA - Desfibril·lador extern automàtic

Arcs de seguretat

Car with driver Mercedes Benz E Klasse (2021)
Autobusos a la flotax1
Euro 6
Lloga un 3 seients Cotxe amb xofer (Mercedes Benz E Klasse 2021) a Direct Vip Service a Amsterdam Llogueu un 3 places Cotxe amb xofer (Mercedes Benz E Klasse 2021) de Direct Vip Service de Amsterdam


Aire condicionat


Finestres de doble vidre

Seients reclinables

Ports de càrrega USB per a seients

Hospitalitat a petició

Cafè i begudes calentes

Begudes fredes

Hostessa/Guia Turística

Restaurants i hotels



Sistema de so i micròfon

WIFI gratuït

Opció WIFI/Gastos extres




Cinturons de dos punts

Cinturons de tres punts

DEA - Desfibril·lador extern automàtic

Arcs de seguretat

Midibus Iveco VIP Wing (2024)
Autobusos a la flotax1
Euro 6
Lloga un 28 seients Midibus (Iveco  VIP Wing 2024) a Direct Vip Service a Amsterdam Llogueu un 28 places Midibus (Iveco  VIP Wing 2024) de Direct Vip Service de Amsterdam


Aire condicionat


Finestres de doble vidre

Seients reclinables

Ports de càrrega USB per a seients

Hospitalitat a petició

Cafè i begudes calentes

Begudes fredes

Hostessa/Guia Turística

Restaurants i hotels



Sistema de so i micròfon

WIFI gratuït

Opció WIFI/Gastos extres




Cinturons de dos punts

Cinturons de tres punts

DEA - Desfibril·lador extern automàtic

Arcs de seguretat

Midibus Iveco VIP Wing (2024)
Autobusos a la flotax1
Euro 6
Lloga un 34 seients Midibus (Iveco  VIP Wing 2024) a Direct Vip Service a Amsterdam Llogueu un 34 places Midibus (Iveco  VIP Wing 2024) de Direct Vip Service de Amsterdam


Aire condicionat


Finestres de doble vidre

Seients reclinables

Ports de càrrega USB per a seients

Hospitalitat a petició

Cafè i begudes calentes

Begudes fredes

Hostessa/Guia Turística

Restaurants i hotels



Sistema de so i micròfon

WIFI gratuït

Opció WIFI/Gastos extres




Cinturons de dos punts

Cinturons de tres punts

DEA - Desfibril·lador extern automàtic

Arcs de seguretat

Midibus Mercedes Sprinter (2024)
Autobusos a la flotax1
Euro 6
Lloga un 23 seients Midibus (Mercedes Sprinter 2024) a Direct Vip Service a Amsterdam Llogueu un 23 places Midibus (Mercedes Sprinter 2024) de Direct Vip Service de Amsterdam


Aire condicionat


Finestres de doble vidre

Seients reclinables

Ports de càrrega USB per a seients

Hospitalitat a petició

Cafè i begudes calentes

Begudes fredes

Hostessa/Guia Turística

Restaurants i hotels



Sistema de so i micròfon

WIFI gratuït

Opció WIFI/Gastos extres




Cinturons de dos punts

Cinturons de tres punts

DEA - Desfibril·lador extern automàtic

Arcs de seguretat

Rep ofertes competitives de companyies d'autobusos de confiança a {city}. Compareu els costos, la capacitat de seients i les comoditats per reservar la millor opció per al vostre viatge.

Revisa els comentaris sobre viatges en autobús i autocar

Bus hire started from Prins Hendrikkade 59-72, 1012 AE Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2024-11-27 09:00:00+00:00, 22 Person1/12/2024 Classificació per Shahar Hoshiar des de Netherlands, ressenya de RentautobusI wanted to thank you for the excellent transportation service you provided. Everything went smoothly, Steven the driver was kind and professional
Bus hire started from NDSM-Werf, NDSM-Plein 28, 1033 WB Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2024-09-14 13:00:00+00:00, 16 Person21/09/2024 Classificació per Joe Jackson des de Afghanistan, ressenya de RentautobusSuper trip! Everything was perfect Very professional and very calm, cool, collected. i would book again!
Bus hire started from Amstelstation, Julianaplein 1, 1097 DN Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2023-07-09 14:00:00+00:00, 30 Person24/07/2023 Classificació per Tiago Moreiras des de Netherlands, ressenya de Rentautobus
Bus hire started from Stadhouderskade 25, 1071 ZD Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2023-05-03 15:15:00+00:00, 14 Person18/05/2023 Classificació per Ria Danino des de United Kingdom, ressenya de Rentautobus
Bus hire started from Slotermeerlaan 80, 1064 HD Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2023-04-23 12:15:00+00:00, 20 Person28/04/2023 Classificació per Sylwia Anthopoulos des de Netherlands, ressenya de RentautobusI wanted to express my gratitude for the excellent service we received from the company. Reservation process was smooth and efficient. The driver arrived early and the ride was comfortable. The driver was also very professional and courteous making us feel safe and at ease throughout the journey. The car itself was clean and comfortable, and we appreciated the convenience of not having to worry about navigating or finding parking. Overall, we had a fantastic experience and would definitely use this service again in the future.
Bus hire started from Evert van de Beekstraat 202, 1118 CP Schiphol, Netherlands, 2023-03-23 09:15:00+00:00, 32 Person2/04/2023 Classificació per Shauna Brown des de Ireland, ressenya de RentautobusGreat service!
Bus hire started from 1118 AX Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, 1118 AX Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, Holland, 2022-10-18 10:45:00+00:00, 18 Person25/10/2022 Classificació per Tom Petersen des de Denmark, ressenya de RentautobusThe digital format are a bit complicated before you are geting a more personal contact possibillity. The way the invoice/payment are arranged, can also course some difficulties for some administrations.
Bus hire started from Evert van de Beekstraat 202, 1118 CP Schiphol, Netherlands, 2022-10-07 11:30:00+00:00, 10 Person24/10/2022 Classificació per Anton Erwee des de South Africa, ressenya de RentautobusVery friendly and professional service.
Busverhuur gestart vanaf Haarlem, Nederland, 2022-10-08 15:00:00+00:00, 23 persoon17/10/2022 Classificació per nathalie Houssart des de Netherlands, ressenya de Rentautobussuper leuke rit gehad met ons bedrijfsuitje.
Busverhuur gestart vanaf Bergstraat 4, 6711 DD Ede, Nederland, 2022-10-05 10:00:00+00:00, 15 persoon16/10/2022 Classificació per Renee Baris des de Netherlands, ressenya de RentautobusIk ben tevreden over de service. De aanvraag verliep makkelijk en snel. Het vervoer was volledig naar wens. De processen rondom administratie (factuur ontvangen, bevestiging van betaling etc) vond ik wat rommelig verlopen.

Preguntes i respostes de

Is there any inconvenience if we decide that the bus has to take us to Amsterdam sooner than agreed?

Hello, Thanks for the update. Since the bus will stay on location, will it be possible to arrange an earlier return if we decide we want to go earlier back to Amsterdam? Christopher


Hello Thats not a prblm Please let me know if you have more questions Gr Lodewijk

The price of coach includes the children seats?

Good day, I wanted to ask whether the price includes the children seats? Best regards, Bjorn


Hello The childeren can sit in the chair of the bus, the seatbelts dont have the length to fasten up the seats. In de law of holland we can transport the childeren in normal seatbelts. Greeting Lodewijk

How much will be added to the bus quote for motorway tolls and drivers expenses?

Good day, How much can we assume will be added on in relation to highway tolls and drivers expense? Best regards, Bjorn


Hello The offer is for bringing you to you locations and pick you up, there are now toll fee. This is a fixed price. Greeting Lodewijk

Can we pay in cash at the departure of the coach?

hallo, Is it possible to pay cash at departure, Thanks, Maria


hello Maria that is not a problem, see you in utrecht. greet Lodewijk

In Netherlands does the law require child seats on the bus?

Thanks Lodewijk. Do we need car seats for children in Netherlands by law? Especially for 3years and 6 years old children? Kind Regards Karen


Hallo Karen There are no seats needed by law. Greet Lodewijk

What is the estimated bus driving time to go from Rotterdam to Paris?

Hello Louis, Thank you for contacting me regarding your quote. I will make a decision earlier next week. I have one question, how long is the drive from Rotterdam to Paris? I look forward to your response.. Have a good day? Craig


Hello Graig thank you for your answer almost 5.5 hour drive without traffic to Paris greeting Lo

In the price of the coach is included a day of stay in Dusseldorf?

I have question: the overnight stay in Dusseldorf is included in the 3180 euros, correct? regards,


Hello, The price is with one day stay over in Dusseldorf. Greet Lodewijk

Does the bus has room for 3 baby strollers and a couple of bags?

Hi, Does the bus have space for 3 baby strollers and a couple of bags? regards


The bus has enough space to put bags en stuff, Greet Lodewijk

Can we use the bus more than 8 hours a day?

What if we stay more then 8 hours a day? regards, Muneera


Hello Muneera Evry hour that you stay longer is 65.00 euro extra per hour. Greet Lodewijk

How much do I have to pay to reserve the bus? And when the remaining balance?

Hi there, Thanks for you quote! Please could you let me know how much downpayment we need to make to reserve the transport and when you need the final balance by? Many thanks, Chrissy


Hello Plze pay the full amount in de Bus I wil pick you up in Den Haag at 4.00 uur Greet Lodewijk

Can you tell me what is included in the quote for the coach?

Dear Louis, Could you specify what the inclusions and exclusions are regarding this price quotation? Best regards, Laetitia


Hello This quote is inclusion what you had written is the Travel Plan. Gr Lo Direct Vip Service

What is the price of the extra hour of coach service?

Thanks for your quick reply. How much it would be for 6 hours? As long as we can visit windmill and cheese factory and clog factory, we are fine even it is 5 hours.Naomi


Hello For each extra hour you pay 70 euro Gr Lodewijk Direct Vip Service

Does the quoted price includes waiting time of thebus and diesel?

Dear Lodewijk, does the quoted price include gas? Thank you, And what is the flexibility on the return time? We will be at a dinner and although I expect 3 hours to cover us I was wondering if I could contact you a half hour before we are done so we do not stress on time. Andreas


hello this is with gas and waiting 21.30 till 22.00 hours gr Lodewijk

If we delay the waiting for the bus, what additional amount will we need to pay?

Dear Lodewijk, the quote sounds very good to me. I would just like to clarify. What would the additional cost be if we left a bit later? Say 22:30? Best, Andreas


evry 15 min longer would be 17.50 euro gr Lodewijk

What is the price of the bus coach rental for 8 hours of service?

Hi Lodewijk, Thank you for the quote. Can you also let me know the costs for extending the rental to include another stop in Amsterdam Noord, then drop off the group at Schiphol at about 17.00? So that means being with the group from 9.00 till 17.00. Thank you, Cornelia


Hello qoute till 17.00 hour is 495.00 euro. gr Lodewijk

What is the cost of renting the bus for 6-hour tours?

can you quote for 6th July 6 hr (starting from 9 AM) for country side tour. We would like to see the country side scenery including wind farms. However, we can change the tour plan if you have some suggestion. bhavin


Hello What you wrote is a nice plane, we will visite some Windmills and Farms. Zaanseschans and aa fisher village. For 6 july country side scenery tour is 650.00 euro Greet Lodewijk

Is it possible to change the time that the coach will pick us up?

Good afternoon, I have provisionally booked to use your transport company on June 3rd from 10am, to transport a group of us to play footgolf. Unfortunately we are unable to book a tee off time until 3pm, and therefore require a later pick up. Would it be possible to change the times to 13.30 pick up and 18.30 please? Regards Dan


That's possible, so 13.30 and 18.30 pick up Gr Lodewijk

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